Monday, July 28, 2008

Whatcha readin' NOW?

Here, I have a question: what are you reading this week?

I'm reading -- and re-reading -- brain candy while I try to write.

Case in point:
FEARLESS FOURTEEN, by Janet Evanovich
THE UNFINISHED CLUE by Georgette Heyer
NO WIND OF BLAME, by Georgette Heyer
ESSAYS ON TYA, by Moses Goldberg.

And I'm about to startNICK OF TIME by Ted Bell.

There, that's what I'm reading this week, and you?


MH said...

I am currently reading stuff for school (but it's good stuff - so yay!)

Cranford (and) North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell

Dombey and Son (and) Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens

And sometimes I sneak in a little bit Phoenix Guard.

caityj said...

I'm hoping to finish John Connolly's Nocturnes this week, and eager to return to Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (I put it on hold because Nocturnes grabbed my attention).

Dread Pirate Lainey said...

I am reading Lirael by Garth Nix, Indiana Jones and the Airship Pirates, and various and sundrey Sherlock Holmes stories!

Dread Pirate Lainey said...

*sundry Pardon me! ^__^

Anonymous said...

I just finished rather a lot of things, such as:

-"A Walk in the Woods" and "A Journey North", both about hiking the AT. Both made me feel shamefully sheltered (and apparently alliterative).
-"Ragwitch" by Garth Nix, which was quite good and surprisingly tragic at the end.
-"Cold Mountain" and "Big Stone Gap", both of which I loved, though one was significantly happier overall.

And one of these days "Odalisque" will get as interesting as the name and cover art implied, and I'll finally be motivated to finish it.

Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

I love Garth Nix. I've been wanting to read Ragwitch - and Lirael is one of my favs.

Just thought I'd share that.

If you like books with pretty names, interesting cover art and beautiful stories - read something by Patricia McKillip.

Calipsan said...

YAY Garth Nix. I need to read more of his stuff. He really has a way with words.
I'm reading the sequel to Eragon: Eldest. It's better than the original, in my opinion. :)